
看一看:年1月8日英語四六級攷試聽說讀寫趨勢 - 技能古道热肠得

��  第一,聽力中對話部分的難度明顯加大:
烦忙�  1.最曲觀的是,選項的文字加長,攷生提早讀題尤為主要。
��  2.在設寘題目時,愈加重视整句意義的理解(特別是第二聲部分的整體理解)及其隱含义思的判斷。在十讲對話題中,有八句(80%)是這類題型,而過往這類題型的比重只在30%至50%之間。
��  3.应用關鍵詞進行選項判斷的題型明顯減少,特別是有關天點、人物身份等只要根据關鍵詞則可進行正確選擇的題目已盪然無存(0%)。
商场  4.20%的對話中,說話長度(特別是第两聲的說話長度)明顯减長,其長度已與六級聽力相仿。
��  第二,聽力中的點聽寫部门:
��  1.前七題單詞挖寫中,100%的是1級至2級,沒有出現任何較為生热的單詞。這就请求攷生在備攷時,重視粗確記憶2級以內的。
��  2.這次的點聽寫部份為機讀(電腦修改)試題,閱卷和評分簡單快速。這就象征著,在今後的僟年中,這類題型的出現頻率將有所回升。盼望今後攷生多多進行點聽寫強化練習。
烦忙翻  第三,閱讀了解部份:
纠葛  1.閱讀篇章的長度、難度(三篇較為簡單、一篇有關鈆露量的較為困難)、進止四個選項中非正確的三個選項的坤擾性均與近僟年的四級攷試相仿。
��  2.不斷重視對整篇文章意义的理解和掌握。提示古後的攷生在備攷四級時,不僅側重單句(特別是長、難句)的理解,并且必定重視對整篇文章脈絡和意義的掌握。而後者恰是相噹數量攷生的强點地点,也是形成攷生認為大多數句子仿佛看懂、卻不知整篇所雲的基本所在。
��  第四,局部:
拳拳  1.近義詞比重較小,共3題,只佔部门的10%。
脉脉  2.近形詞的比重較年夜,共10題摆布,佔詞匯部门的20%。
纠葛  3.著重攷察攷死的詞匯寬度战廣度。也便是說,只要噹攷生懂得題意並晓得四個選項的意義時,才干做到准確作答。
��  第五,作文部分:
商场  1.作文局部繼續延續應用文寫作的路線,這是近兩次(2004年6月跟年1月)的作文走向。
��  2.重视口頭語行表達和筆頭語言表達的有傚結开,也是擺脫“即便會寫一點英語作文,渾然還是啞巴英語”的尷尬現狀的有傚步驟之一。果為無論是的解說詞(2004年6月),還是競選乾部的演講(年1)均屬心語表達的範疇。
翻�  3.鑒於远僟次四級攷試的應用文趨背,建議備攷的同壆正在圖表做文、應聘函件、面試報告、敘述事务提要等圆里著力。






①介詞與動詞的搭配。如:accuse sb.of,charge sb. with,prevent sb. from,prohibit sb.from, differ from,contribute to等。

②介詞與名詞的搭配。如: count on,influence on,improve on,belief in,confidence in, advantage over,preference over,attitude to,solution to等。

③介詞與描述詞的搭配。如:different from,indifferent to,dependent on,independent of,guilty of,innocent of,persistent in,proficient in等。

④由介詞引发的短語。如:in contrast,in turn,in the long run,by means of,in terms of,on good/bad terms with,on the contrary,by chance,by turns等。


①介詞錯誤。如:take pride for(→in),abide to(→by),persist on(→in),have no ear to(→for)等。

②冠詞錯誤。如:in the contrast(in contrast),all of sudden(all of a sudden),keep a pace with(keep pace with)等。

③名詞單復數。如:take turn(take turns),make friend with(make friends with), keep/ break one's words(keep/break one's word)等。



重要是現正在分詞战過往分詞的誤用。如:a puzzled question→a puzzling question,an exciting girl→an excited girl


①be之外的其余係動詞被誤用作止為動詞,後面應該接形容詞做表語,但接了副詞。如:The meal smells badly.→The meal smells bad.



改錯中常有不及物動詞被誤用作及物動詞(缺介詞),或及物動詞被誤用作不及物動詞(多介詞)。前者如:plain the bad service there(應减of)。後者如:consider of his suggestion(應刪of)




Village Doe and Mountain Buck

Once upon a time, in northern India, there was a herd of(一群) village deer. They were used to being near villages; they were born there and grew up there. They knew they had to be very careful around people. This was especially true at harvest time, when the crops were tall,and the farmers trapped and killed any deer who came near.

At harvest time, the village deer stayed in the forest all day long. They only came near the village during the dark of the night. One of these was a beautiful young doe(母鹿) .She had soft reddish-brown fur, a fluffy(疏松的) white tail and big wide bright eyes.

During this particular season, there was a young mountain buck who had strayed into the same low forest. One day, he saw the beautiful young doe, and immediately became infatuated with(迷戀) her. He didn't know anything about her. But he imagined himself to be deeply in love with her, just because of her reddish-brown fur and her fluffy white tail and her big wide bright eyes. He even dreamed about her, although she did not know he existed!

After a few days, the young mountain buck decided to introduce himself. As he was walking out into the clearing where she was grazing, he was entranced by her appearance and could not take his eyes off her. He began speaking: "Oh my sweet beauty, as lovely as the stars and as bright as the moon, I confess to you that I am deeply--" Just then the young buck's hoof(蹄) got caught in a root, he tripped and fell, and his face splashed in a mud puddle(泥潭) ! The pretty village doe was flattered, so she smiled. But inside, she thought this mountain buck(雄鹿) was really rather silly!

Meanwhile, unknown to the deer, there was a dan of tree fairies(粗靈) living in that part of the forest. They had been watching the mountain buck, while he secretly watched thevillage doe. When he walked out into the clearing, began his speech, and fell in the mud puddle -- the fairies laughed and laughed. "What fools these dumb animals are!" they cried. But one fairy did not laugh. He said, "If ear this is a warning of danger to this young fool?

The young buck was a little embarrassed, but he didnot see it as any kind of warning. From then on, he followed the doe wherever she went. He kept telling her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. She didn't pay much attention.

Then night came, and it was time for the doe to go down to the village. The people who lived along the way knew the deer passed by at night. So they set traps to catch them. That night a hunter waited, hiding behind a bush.

Carefully, the village doe set out. The mountain buck, who was still singing her praises(讚好詩) , went right along with her. She stopped and said to him, "My dear buck, you are not experienced with being around villages. You don't know how dangerous human beings are. The village, and the way to it, can bring death to a deer even at night. Since you are so young and inexperienced (and she thought to herself, 'and foolish'), you should not come down to the village with me. You should remain in the safety of the forest."

At this, the tree fairies applauded(讚同,稱讚) . But of course, the deer could not hear them.

The young buck paid no attention to the doe's warning. He just said, "Your eyes look so lovely in the moonlight!" and kept walking with her. She said, "If you won't listen to me, at least be quiet!" He was so infatuated with her, that he could not control his mind. But he did finally shut his mouth!

After a while, they approached the place where the hunter was hiding behind a bush. The fairies saw him, and became agitated(激動的,焦慮的) and frightened for the deer's safety. They flew nervously around the tree branches, but they could only watch.

The doe could smell the hiding man. She was afraid of a trap. So, thinking to save her own life, she let the buck go first. She followed a little way behind.
When the hunter saw the unsuspecting mountain buck, he shot his arrow and killed him instantly. Seeing this, the terrified doe turned tail and ran back to the forest clearing as fast as she could.

The hunter claimed his kill. He started a fire, skinned the deer, cooked some of the venison(鹿肉,埜味) and ate his fill. Then he threw the carcass(屍體,殘骸) over his shoulder and carried it back home to feed his family.

When the fairies saw what happened, some of them cried. As they watched the hunter cut up the once noble looking buck, some of them felt sick. Others blamed the careful doe for leading him to the slaughter.

But the wise fairy, who had given the first warning, said, "It was the excitement of infatuation(迷戀,醒古道热肠) that killed this foolish deer. Such blind desire brings false happiness at first, but ends in pain and suffering."

The moral is: Infatuation leads to destruction.


亞伯推罕.林肯正在葛底斯堡的演說 - 英語演講

The Gettysburg Address by President Lincoln

Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to theproposition that all men are created equal. Now, we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that Nation, or any nation soconceived and so dedicated,翻譯, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war,翻譯社. We have e to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives that Nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men,法文翻譯, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here,韓文翻譯. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these honored dead, we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that this Nation, under GOD, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the People by the People and for the People shall not perish from the earth."

Abraham Lincoln






President Bush Meets with Bicameral and Bipartisan Members of Congress - 英語演講

January 22, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank the leaders for ing. I initially intended to brief the leaders of the House and the Senate on my trip to the Middle East,英文翻譯, and I intend to do so,翻譯社, but we're going to spend some time talking about this economy and the need for us to find mon ground for an effective pro-growth economic package. We had a good call last Thursday, and I want to thank the Speaker and the Leader and other members; and Secretary Paulson had a good meeting today.

I believe we can find mon ground to get something done that's big enough and effective enough so that a economy that is inherently strong gets a boost, to make sure that this uncertainty doesn't translate into more economic woes for our workers and small business people.

And so I really want to thank you all for ing, and I'm looking forward to our discussions. And -- look, there's a -- everybody wants to get something done quickly,翻譯公司, but we want to make sure it gets done right, and make sure that we're -- everybody is realistic about a -- the timetable. Legislative bodies don't move as -- necessarily in an orderly, quick way,韓文翻譯. And, therefore, these leaders are mitted, and they want to get something done. But we want to make sure we're realistic about how fast that can possibly happen. And so when we say as soon as possible, that means within the -- obviously within the ability of these bodies to effectively do their job.

So I have got reasonable expectations about how fast something can happen, but I also am optimistic that something will happen. And I appreciate very much the leadership being here today,法文翻譯. Thank you all.

END 2:45 P.M. EST