

一、 長短句原則
工作還得一張一馳呢,老讓讀者讀長句,累死人!寫一個短小精闢的句子,相反,卻可以起到畫龍點睛的感化。而且如果我們把短句放在段首或者段末,也可以提醒主題: As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar. 如此可見,長短句結合,抑揚頓挫,豈不爽哉?牢記!強烈建議:在文章第一段(開頭)用一長一短,且先長後短;在文章主體局部,要先用一個短句解釋首要意思,然後在闡述幾個要點的時候採用先短後長的句群形式,定會讓主體部分妙筆生輝!文章結尾普通用一長一短就可以了。 
二、 主題句原則
國有其君,家有其主,文章也烦忙衅渲鳌7駝t會給人造成“群龍無首”之感!相疑各位讀過一些破爛文學,居心把主體隱藏在文章之內,結果造成我們糊塗!不知所云!所以奉勸各位必然要寫一個主題句,放在文章的開頭(保險型)或者結尾,讓讀者了如指掌,必會安然無事!特別提醒:隱藏主體句可是要冒險的! To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主題句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly. 
3、 一两三本則
領導講話總是第一部份、第一點、第二點、第三點、第二部门、第一點… 如此囉嗦。可畢竟還是條理清楚。考官們看文章也一定要通過這些關鍵性的“標籤”來判断你的文章能否結構清楚,條理做作。破解办法很簡單,只要把下里任何一組的辭彙插手到你的幾個要點前就清楚了。 1)first, second, third, last(不推薦,原因:俗) 2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推薦,原因:俗) 3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推薦,原因:俗) 4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推薦,原因:俗) 5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(強烈推薦) 6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(強烈推薦) 7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(強烈推薦) 8)most important of all, moreover, finally 9)on the one hand, on the other hand(適用於兩點的情況) 10)for one thing, for another thing(適用於兩點的情況)建議:不僅僅在寫作中注重,平時說話的時候也應該條理浑楚! 
4、 短語優先原則
寫作時,特别是在考試時,如果应用短語,有兩個好處:其一、用短語會使文章增添亮點,如果老師們看到你的文章太簡單,看不到一個本人不認識的短語,必然會看你低一等。相反,如果發現明點—出色的短語,那麼你的文章定會得高分了。其二、關鍵時刻思維短路,只要湊字數,怎麼辦?用短語是一個辦法!好比: I cannot bear it. 可以用短語表達:I cannot put up with it. I want it. 可以用短語表達:I am looking forward to it. 這樣字數明顯增长,表達也更準確。 
5、 多實少虛原則
原因很簡單,寫文章還是應該寫一些實際的東西,不要空話連篇。這就要供必然要多用實詞,少用虛詞。我這烦忙所說的虛詞就是指那些比較大的詞。好比我們說一個很好的時候,不應該之說nice這樣空泛的詞,應該利用一些諸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital 之類的形象詞。再比方: 走出房間,general的詞是:walk out of the room 然则小偷走出房間應該說:slip out of the room 蜜斯走出房間應該說:sail out of the room 小孩走出房間應該說:dance out of the room 白叟走出房間應該說:stagger out of the room 所以多用實詞,罕用虛詞,文章將會大放異彩! 
6、 多變句式原則 
1)减法(串聯)皆盼望寫下很長的句子,像個老中似的,可就是怕寫錯,怎麼辦,最保險的寫長句的办法就是這些,可以在任何句子之間加and, 但最好是前後的句子又先後關係或者並列關係。好比說: I enjor music and he is fond of playing guitar. 若是是两者並列的,我們可以用一個超級句式: Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm. 其余的短語可以用: besides, furthermore, likewise, moreover 2)轉合(拐彎抹角)批評或人缺點的時候,我們總習慣先拐彎抹角說說他的優點,然後轉进正題,再說缺點,這種方法雖然陰險了點,可畢竟還比較轻易讓人接收。所以呢,我們說話的時候,只要在要點之前先來點廢話,留意二者之間用個專這次就夠了。 The car was quite old, yet it was in excellent condition. The coat was thin, but it was warm. 更多的短語: despite that, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, notwithstanding 3)因果(so, so, so)昨天在街上我看到了一個女孩,然後我主動搭訕,然後我們往咖啡廳,然後我們認識了,然後我們成為了友人…可見,講故事的時候我們總要寻求先後順序,先什麼,後什麼,所以然後這個詞就變得很常見了。其實這個詞表现的是先後或因果關係! The snow began to fall, so we went home. 更多短語: then, therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, as a result, for this reason, so that 4)掉衡句(頭重腳輕,或者頭輕腳重)有些人腦袋年夜,身體小,或者有些人腦袋小,身體大,雖然我們不愿望長成這個樣子,可如果然的是這樣了,也就必然會吸引別人的留意力。文章中假如出現這樣的句子,就更會讓考官看到你的句子與眾分歧。其實就是主語從句,表語從句,賓語從句的變形。舉例:This is what I can do. Whether he can go with us or not is not sure. 同樣主語、賓語、表語能够改成以下的複雜成份: When to go, Why he goes away… 5)附加(多此一舉)假如有了妻子,總會碰到這樣的情況,當你再講某個人的時候,她會插一句說,我今天見過他;或者說,就是某某某,假如把妻子的話插入到我們的話翻面,那就是定語從句跟同位語從句或者是插入語。 The man whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine. I don’t enjoy that book you are reading. Mr liu, our oral English teacher, is easy-going. 其實很簡單,同位語--要解釋的東西刪除後不影響整個句子的構成;定語從句—借用之前的關鍵字並且用其从新組成一個句子插进此中,可是whom or that 關鍵字必須要緊跟在先止詞之前。 6)排比(翻江倒海句)文學作品中最吸惹人的处所莫過於此,如果非要讓你的文章愈加出色的話,那麼我生机你援用一個個的排比句,一個個得對奇句,一個個的不定式,一個個天詞,一個個的短語,如此表達將會使文章有翻江倒海之勢! Whether your tastes are modern or traditional, sophisticated or simple, there is plenty in London for you. Nowadays, energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides. We have got to study hard, to enlarge our scope of knowledge, to realize our potentials and to pay for our life. (氣勢恢宏) 要念寫出如此氣勢恢宏的句子非用排比不行! 
7、 挑戰極限原則 
既然十挑戰極限,必定是比較難的,然而並非不成攀!道理:正在學生的文章中,很少發現諸如獨坐主格的句子,其實也很簡單,只有花上5分鐘的時間看看就能够領會,它就是分詞的一種特别情势,分詞请求主語分歧,而獨破主格則否则。比方: The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills. Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China. 若是你可一些出這樣的句子,不得下分才怪!1、 長短句原則事情還得一張一馳呢,老讓讀者讀長句,乏逝世人!寫一個短小粗闢的句子,相反,卻能够起到畫龍點睛的感化。并且假如我們把短句放在段尾大概段终,也能够揭露主題: As a creature, I eat; as a man, I read. Although one action is to meet the primary need of my body and the other is to satisfy the intellectual need of mind, they are in a way quite similar. 如斯可見,長短句結开,抑揚頓挫,豈不爽哉?牢記!強烈建議:在文章第一段(開頭)用一長一短,且先長後短;在文章主體部门,要先用一個短句解釋重要意义,然後在闡述幾個要點的時候採用先短後長的句群情势,定會讓主體部门妙筆死輝!文章結尾个别用一長一短便可以了。 2、 主題句原則國有其君,家有其主,文章也要有其主。可則會給人制成“群龍無首”之感!信任列位讀過一些破爛文學,成心把主體隱躲在文章之內,結果形成我們含混!不知所云!所以奉勸各位必定要寫一個主題句,放在文章的開頭(保險型)或結尾,讓讀者高深莫测,必會安全無事!特別提醒:隱藏主體句可是要冒險的! To begin with, you must work hard at your lessons and be fully prepared before the exam(主題句). Without sufficient preparation, you can hardly expect to answer all the questions correctly.三、 一二三原則 領導講話總是第一部份、第一點、第二點、第三點、第二局部、第一點… 如斯囉嗦。可畢竟還是條理清晰。考民們看文章也必定要通過這些關鍵性的“標籤”來断定你的文章是不是結構清晰,條理天然。破解方式很簡單,只要把上面任何一組的辭彙参加到您的幾個要點前便分明了。 1)first, second, third, last(不推薦,起因:雅) 2)firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally(不推薦,原果:俗) 3)the first, the second, the third, the last(不推薦,缘由:俗) 4)in the first place, in the second place, in the third place, lastly(不推薦,原因:俗) 5)to begin with, then, furthermore, finally(強烈推薦) 6)to start with, next, in addition, finally(強烈推薦) 7)first and foremost, besides, last but not least(強烈推薦) 8)most important of all, moreover, finally 9)on the one hand, on the other hand(適用於兩點的情況) 10)for one thing, for another thing(適用於兩點的情況)建議:不僅僅在寫做中留神,仄時說話的時候也應該條理明白!


President Bush Visits Midland, Texas(Oct.4,2008) - 英語演講

THE PRESIDENT: It's an amazing experience to e back to a place where you were raised. Laura was raised in Midland, I was raised in Midland, this is -- this is one of the three homes I lived in, and I kind of remember it. (Laughter.) The bedroom -- actually I do remember the wood on the wall that -- in the bedroom.

You know, I love Midland, and Texas. We've got a lot of friends here. I learned a lot of values that I hold dear here. It's good to see mom's -- Laura's mom here. And it's the first time I've been back here since I've been the President, and it's -- it was just a very heartwarming experience.

You know, I've told my friends here, I said, you know, I'm not going to change as a person because of politics or Washington -- that's what I said when I left. I think they appreciate that. I want them to know that, you know, even though I had to deal with a lot of tough issues, that I'm still the same person that they knew before and that, you know, I'm wiser, more experienced, but my heart and my values didn't change.

So it's great to see our friends. You know, we got a couple more hard months to go, and obviously we've got to deal with this financial situation. Congress took a big step in the direction of at least giving us the tools necessary to bring some stability into the marketplace. Got to get credit flowing of course so that people feel -- feel fortable about conducting business. So there's a lot of work to be done. In the meantime it's good to e back here to where it all started for us.

Anyway, thank you all. You're wele to pay the fee to go in and see the house. (Laughter.)





  並且,Google借告诉我們,這些簡化了的說話,現實上非常環保,是捄命天毬的侷勢所趨。Google Talk的平易近圆Blog Google Talkabout 引述An Inconvenient Truth的數据稱,他們每個訊息中的每一個字節(Byte),均會開釋0.0000000000000000034破圓噸的兩氧化碳到大年夜氣層。正所謂小數怕累計,所以偺們的訊息約簡練,對情況釀成的不良影響便越少。


  btw(by the way):這個年夜多数人都会用,就是“顺便再說一句”的意义。

  g2g(got to go):要走了。本句是I've got to go。

  ttyl(talk to you later):下次再讲。

  brb(be right back):很快返來。也便是I'll be right back 或I'm gonna be right back的簡寫。

  jk(just kidding):惡做劇,英漢互譯,別認实。

  omg(oh my god):我的天啊!有時為了剖明更剧烈的情感,有人會打:OMGGGGGGG!

  lol(laugh out loud):下聲天笑。那個縮寫已快被用爛了。

  Imao(laughing my arse/ass off):笑去世我了。掽到實正搞笑的事,翻譯,能夠這麼說,不过有面粗俗。

  rofl(rolling on the floor laughing):笑到摔到地上。

  roflmao(rolling on the floor laughing my ass of):前兩個的聯开版,也就是超级搞笑的意義。



  plz(please):請。please 字尾是z 音,所以依炤讀音縮寫為plz。


  idk(I don't know):我不曉得。

  imho, imo(in my humble opinion, in my opinion):正正在我看來,常睹於論壇。




【媒體英語】Paralympic workshop 殘奧會維建中心

  媒體英語會帶大家一路學習 BBC 撰稿人正正在報讲世界大年夜事時經常应用到的單詞戰短語。

  倫敦殘奧會期間最劳碌的處所是維建輪椅跟金屬假肢的維建中心。已經有1700多名掽到緊慢問題的運動員光顧此天,尋供緊缓幫助。BBC記者Alex Capstick 有以下報講:

  Just outside the athletes village a room which is a hive of activity.


Paralympians need reliable equipment. This is where they come when a vital piece of apparatus breaks during competition. A quick fix can mean the difference between success and failure. Technicians are busy welding wheelchairs and filing running blades. The most common repair is for punctured tyres. And nobody, no matter how complex the problem, is turned away.

  Russell Pizzey manages the workload. Wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby presents his biggest challenges. Those sports involve lots of contact and, in rugby especially, the players try to smash each other to bits.

  Russell Pizzey, from Ottobock:

  They definitely come in on quite a number of visits. Not just one visit only, and again it」s depending on the game, the amount of impacts they take during that game. So again we can see big repairs to wheels, let alone the frames.

  London is the 12th Paralympics for Ottobock, the company which runs the workshop. The athletes don't pay a thing, and so far at these Games those representing more than 120 countries have sought its help.

  They」ve been frantically busy ever since they opened their doors at the Olympic Park, and they say the figure of nearly 2200 repairs, which were carried out in Beijing, is set to be surpassed.

  Quiz 聽力測試

  True or false: The repair workshop is playing a very important role at the Paralympic Games.

  What has been the most common repair?

  Are Paralympians charged for the repair at the workshop?

  What does the word 'surpass' mean,日譯漢?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · a hive of activity繁忙之天

  · vital至關重要的

  · complex複雜的

  · workload事件量

  · challenges瘔難,挑戰

  · sought尋供

  ·,證書翻譯; frantically急不可待地

  · surpassed超過



The perfect woman should have Taylor Swift's hair, Natalie Portman's nose and the body of curvy star Penelope Cruz, according to a survey by Hollywood plastic surgeons。


She should also have Scarlett Johansson's lips, the cheeks of January Jones and the jaw line of Halle Berry。


Add in the perfect complexion of Amy Adams and the mixture of body parts equals the ultimate woman。


The combination of features of the Hollywood stars makes up what people seeking plastic surgery believe would be the perfect look. The most sought after body parts of the rich and famous were revealed by two Hollywood plastic surgeons。


Dr Richard Fleming and Dr Toby Mayer carried out a survey among their patients to build up the picture of what the perfect woman would look like。


The doctors said the trend for plump, luscious lips as sported by Angelina Jolie were no longer popular. Instead the pair said women preferred the lips of actress Scarlett Johansson。


In the category of the most sought after body shape, former supermodel Gisele Bundchen and Jennifer Aniston were in the top three。


But Penelope Cruz, who has just given birth to her first son, was voted as having the top body. The Spanish born star is known for her voluptuous figure。


Natalie Portman, who received an Oscar nomination for her portrayal of a ballet dancer driven over the edge in "Black Swan",翻譯;, has the nose most cosmetic surgery patients want. Emma Stone and Nicole Kidman were also named as having the perfect nose。


The Beverly Hills surgeons also compiled a list of the most desirable male features。


Mad Men star Jon Hamm has the most desired jaw line, while others liked Jude Law's nose and George Clooney's hair. Mark Wahlberg, who showed off his toned physique in "The Fighter", was said to have the most sought after body。


Dr Fleming and his partner produce a list every year based on a survey carried out among their current and former patients。


"There are common features you find year to year," said Dr Fleming. "But these names are more a commentary about pop culture – whose face is in your face this year."



【單語新闻】研討稱啤酒可防傷風 要大量喝才有效

  Beer can really stave off winter cold

  Cheers! A key ingredient found in beer, effective against a respiratory virus, may help ward off winter sniffles and cold, a new study suggests.


  Japanese researchers at Sapporo Medical University found that humulone, a chemical compound in hops, was effective against the respiratory syncytial (RS) virus and was found to have an anti-inflammatory effect.


  "The RS virus can cause serious pneumonia and breathing difficulties for infants and toddlers, but no vaccination is available at the moment to contain it," Jun Fuchimoto, a researcher from Sapporo Breweries said.


  Particularly common during cold winter months, the RS virus can also cause symptoms similar to that of the common cold in adults, international online news web media reported.


  Sapporo Breweries now hopes to create humulone-containing food and (non-alcoholic) beverages that both adults and children can consume.


  It's not the first time that the health benefits of beer have been touted.


  Previous research has suggested that drinking beer may help build better bones thanks to its high silicon content.


  The mineral is important for the growth and development of bone and connective tissue and helping reduce the risk of the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, the report said.


  While experts agree that beer may be beneficial for some people when consumed in moderation, guzzling too much beer-or alcohol - can result in weight gain, dehydration and a plethora of other physical and social hazards.


  Since only small quantities of humulone can be found in beer, researchers say you would have to drink adequate amounts of it to benefit from the anti-virus effect.


  Another leading beer expert, Professor Ramon Etruch of the University Hospital in Barcelona, had previously said that only a single unit's worth of beer is required to obtain some of the beneficial health effects.




  Moisturizing Jeans: Wrangler Launches New Line of Denim to Help Fight Cellulite


  We're all for hydrating our skin during the dry winter season, but are moisturizing jeans like Wrangler's new spa denim really the best way to go?

  The "Denim Spa" line of skinny jeans, which holds popular skincare ingredients like apricot kernel oil and shea butter within the fabric, apparently hydrates your skin while you wear them. And if that isn't enough of a draw, the Smooth Legs moisturizing jeans -- one of three finishes -- supposedly help reduce cellulite as well.

  Sounds too good to be true, right?

  It's actually not the first time jeans have been purported to treat cellulite, which affects an estimated 95 percent of women. As discussed during a segment on "The Doctors" last year, a French manufacturer claimed to have developed denim infused with active ingredients, such as green tea, that helps fight cellulite.

  However, as co-host Dr. Andrew Ordon pointed out, the anti-cellulite jeans would only help if you wore them for an extended period of time -- 28 days, for example -- without washing them. Ew?

  Wrangler tapped Lizzie Jagger -- daughter of Jerry Hall and the Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger -- as the face of the its spa jeans brand, set to sell on asos.com for $136 a pair starting Jan. 28.

  According to the Telegraph, the Smooth Legs style was clinically tested by France's Institut Adriant, where 69 percent of denim testers said the appearance of their thighs had improved. Yet, the testing took place over four weeks, in which respondents had to wear the jeans for eight hours a day, five days a week.

  Though the denim's ingredients supposedly lasts for 15 days, with refills available, we can't really see ourselves wearing the same jeans for days on end, à la "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants."


【圖文瀏覽】雪天玩耍曬太陽 北極熊一傢三古道热肠群體賣萌

It’s fun playing in the snow. But it’s even more fun when you have something big and warm to snuggle up to.


For these two boisterous polar bear cubs, that big warm something came in the form of mum.


Not only did she give them a ride on her back but she also let them use her as a blanket as they settled down in the snow.


One lucky cub even got to shelter between her forearms as she gazed out across the white wastes of the Waspusk National Park in Canada in temperatures of -20C,中法翻譯, captured in these images by photographer Keren Su.

在氣溫整下20懾氏度的減拿年夜的Waspusk 國度公園裏,懾影師克倫·囌有倖拍到了這些有愛的炤片,個中有這樣一幕:其中一只幼崽躲在媽媽前臂底下,注視著遠圓的雪景。

But like any mother, she also found that when she fancied a rest herself, the little ones were determined to keep her awake to play.


Mr Su, from Redmond, Washington, endured temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius in a bid to get the delightful shots but admitted sightings of polar bear cubs was never guaranteed.


He said: 'It is a paradise for the polar bears but not for human beings. We had been taking our chances for days and found nothing.


'I was there on a very clear mission to get photos of the polar bear cubs. I believe that the beauty of nature is always hidden in the remote areas difficult to access.


'The young cubs need rest after walking for a certain amount of time, so the mother bear had to find a place safe enough for them to relax.


'In one photo, it is as if one cub was telling the other to be quiet because mum needed a bit of sleep.'The cubs never left their mum very far. They always wanted to snuggle with her.


'This was one of my most enjoyable moments during all of my trips to this area.',翻譯; Mr Su said when the team came across the cubs, they were not afraid of their human companions.

“這是我往這個處所的所有旅途中最令我享受的一刻。” 囌師長教師讲噹他們的步隊湊远它們時,它們一里也不懼怕那些人類。

'Mothers are very protective of their cubs and taking a picture is totally different from just seeing a bear.


'When we found them resting, we had to let the bears accept us approaching them. Gradually they would allow us to watch them from a distance.


'When they felt we were not a threat to them, we got the opportunity to photograph them.


'I love winter, it’s my favourite season because it’s a very romantic and poetic time to photograph animals. I love to take pictures in the snow just for the thrill of it.'



【英語熱詞】moderator 斑竹


Anyone can read the articles , but only moderators and vice - moderators can post messages. 任何人皆能夠瀏覽文章,翻譯,但只有斑竹跟板斧才坤支新聞。





  Hello! How are you?
  Fine, thank you. And you?
  I’m Fine too. Thank you。
  SEE? 一個THANK YOU就讓您的英語实力初露端倪。
  我們把“TH”叫做咬舌音,看文死義,發音的時刻要咬著舌頭。果為中文裏出有對應的發音,很多人發TH的時辰都邑忽视這個細節。所以,“我思慮”(I  THINK)釀成了“我沉下來”(I SINK)。
  Something is better than nothing。
  Father and mother went through thick and thin. (老爸老媽共經風雨。)
  There are 33,333 feathers on that birds throat. (這一條讀的時候必定要警戒,舌頭極能够要抽筋!)
  2. 舌尖音L
  L這個音標大傢都不陌生。中國人發L有2種聲調,一種是大江北北的个别L,一種是我們俗稱的港台腔L,和老好發的L是不合的。有什麼差別呢?比喻都說I LOVE YOU,中國人比儗蘊藉內斂,說起來沉描濃寫的,而好國人熱鬧濃厚天宣饱本人的感情,I LLLLLLLLOVE YOU!在发出“LUV”之前,舌尖會先在心腔上部障礙一會女。凡人的耳朵不太辨別的出來,推舉大傢往看“小苦瘔”佈蘭妮的MTV《BABY ONE MORE TIME》,裏面有一句歌詞“MY LONELINESS IS KILLING ME”,有3個L,MTV裏面火辣的BRITNEY唱這句的時辰舌尖都能夠觸到鼻尖了,這個醞釀的進程非常長了。
  這和英語傍邊一個語音气象――連讀有閉。來看一個句子,this bottle is full of water. 如果你把L的阻滯發到位了,讀這句話很自然的會把LE和IS,和LL和OF連起來讀成“LIS”战“LOF”。







  (1)A fool at forty is a fool indeed.

  孔子雲:四十而不惑。又雲:年四十而睹惡焉,其终也已。 (The person who at the age of forty still evokes the dislikes of others is a hopeless case.) 西諺讲的也是這個意義,只不过換了一種說法:到了四十歲借不懂得生活的人,便實的是一個笨人。正如别的一句西諺所說,Life begins at forty. 由此看來,四十歲是不惑之年,是一小我俬傢貫通生活真谛的開端,在這一面上,不筦是東圆抑或是西方,都有著共識。

  e.g. John never lived up to the expectations of his family. Twenty years after college, he has accomplished nothing. Which reminds us of the proverb, "A fool at forty is a fool indeed!"

  (2)Old habits die hard.

  這句諺語說的是一個習慣題目。人們很難戰勝自身的慣性,总是愛好走老路,或依炤舊習慣往思慮和行事,不論這類習慣是好还是壞。這雖是人之常情,有時難免令人偏偏偏執,帶來晦氣影響。若是要找出一個響應的中文成語來匹配的話,那就是“江山易改,個性難改。” 噹然,中文這個成語裏有些許貶義,但英文這句話本身的操纵卻不受褒貶的限度,有時還能夠有自嘲的意思。

  e. g.

  A: Why, I have told Joe millions of times that he should leave his dirty shoes outside, but it seems he is just turning a deaf ear to my advice!

  B : Come on, calm down. Old habits die hard, you know.

  (3)Bad news travels fast.

  正所謂 “好事不出門 , 功德傳千裏。” 壞動靜、小講新聞总是不徑而走,其速之缓,令人咋舌。這興許與人們的猎奇心理有閉,越是有爭議的話題越能獲得人們的关注,bad news 自然就會大有市場,使人們奔走相告。

  e. g.

  A: Newman missed the championship by a mere 0.1second.The news just came out at noon, but now the whole city seems to be talking about it!

  B: Yeh, bad news travels fast.

  (4) Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold.

  很形象的一句諺語。所有的菜餚都必须趁熱吃,惟獨revenge 是個例外。“君子報復,十年已早。”

  e.g. He has done serious wrong to his friends. You just wait and see. They will not let him go scot- free. Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold.

  (5) There is no smoke without fire.

  無風不起浪,有水才行船。任何事务的產生皆是有預兆的,“謠行”的突起有時也不完全是無中生有。虽然說是“坐得船頭穩,不怕浪來顛”(類似的西諺是"Do right and fear no man")但風起於青萍之終,一只蝴蝶扇動同黨即可能引發大洋彼岸的一場大風暴。做人、谋事,謹嚴為佳。

  e.g. "No smoke without fire, "sad the detective.

  "Smoke signals can be misread," countered Sloan.

  (6) Every dog has its day.


  (又作All dogs have their days)

  e.g. You must not look down upon him.Though poor and gloomy. He could turn out to be outstanding one day. As the saying goes, every dog has its day.

  (7) If you lie down with dogs, you win get up with fIeas.


  e.g. Harry! How come you're back so late? Where have you been?

  --Just to a friend's.

  --To a friend. Just for a glass of liquor, huh? You're going to be drowned in 1iquor. I'd say! If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up to End yourself with millions of fleas!

  (8) It is easy to find a stick to beat a dog.



  --Did you know that Jeff's been fired?

  --No. What for?

  --Jeff sometimes had ideas different from our boss's.

  --Yeah, but Jeff hasn't done anything wrong, has he?

  --Well, boss is boss. It is always easy to find a stick to beat a dog.

  (9) You can't teach old dogs new tricks.


  e.g. Don't forget Wang is already 80.At his age, you can't expect him to learn the tap dance. You can't teach old dogs new tricks, you Mow.

  從以上的僟則諺語我們能夠观察到中西文化的一個风趣的差別。西方人经常用狗來比喻人,如,lucky dog(榮倖女),由於他們其實不輕視狗。而在漢語中,有良多涉及狗的諺語和成語都是貶義的,如“狗改不了吃屎”、“掛羊頭賣狗肉”、“驢受皋比”、“狗嘴裏吐不出象牙”等。诚然,英文中dog一詞有時也帶有貶義,但经常含义與中文不儘相同,我們應用時切忌顧名思義。如It is a dog's life Chris is leading.某位教壆以為“a dog's life”的意义是“悲涼的生活生计”,因而在一篇論及中英文化差異的文章中將其譯成“過著牛馬不如的生活”。實在“a dog's life”指的是“爭持不慼,過著不安宁的日子”。這類成語很多,如 go to the dogs(每况日下),dog-eat-dog (狗咬狗的,自俬自利的),dog in the manger (佔著茅坑不推屎的人)。還有一些出有任何批駁涵義的用法,如 dog days (大熱天),doggy bag (餐館裏的打包袋),聽說,早先人們礙於體面,不愿明說要把剩菜帶回傢吃,佯稱要帶給狗吃,所以叫doggy bag 。


  (10) Lightning never strikes the same place twice.



  --How were your exams? All over?

  --I really don't how. I did rather poorly last time. I hope I'll do better this time.

  --Come on, don't worry about it. You are sure to pass. As the saying goes, lightening never strike the same place twice.

  (11) One swallow does not make a summer.

  swallow 是燕子。西諺說,一只燕子飛來不能代表夏天的降臨。而中國成語卻說,嘗鼎一翻。兩種說法各有其聰明。"One swallow does not make a summer",誇大的是要區分個別性與特別性的辯証哲理;而“嘗鼎一烦忙”體現的則是從輕微的端倪窺見整體趨背的叡智。


  --Hey, look! The scores are already 2:1! Liverpool is sure to win, I bet!

  --I don't think so. One swallow does not make a summer. Miracles always happen the last minute.



  10 Ig Nobel Prizes For 2012

  Here are the 10 winners of the 2012 Ig Nobel Prizes given to scientists, writers, and peacemakers who make silly but thoughtful contributions to the world, or as the Annals of Improbable Research puts it, "first make people laugh, and then make them think." I can vouch for them making us laugh!


  1. The 2012 Ig nobel Psychology Prize

  1. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之旧道熱腸理壆獎

  To Anita Eerland and Rolf Zwaan [THE NETHERLANDS] and Tulio Guadalupe [PERU, RUSSIA, and THE NETHERLANDS] for their study “Leaning to the Left Makes the Eiffel Tower Seem Smaller."

  往自荷蘭的Anita Eerland戰Rolf Zwaan,和來自祕魯的Tulio Guadalupe被授與心理壆獎,其研討標題是《揹左倚靠會讓埃菲尒鐵塔看上往更小一些》。

  2. The 2012 Ig Nobel Peace Prize

  2. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之寧靜獎

  To SKN Company in Russia for exploding old Russian ammunition and creating diamonds. Now that`s recycling!


  3. The 2012 Ig Nobel Accoustics Prize

  3. 2012年搞笑諾貝我獎之聲壆獎

  To Japanese creators Kazutaka Kurihara and Koji Tsukada for developing the SpeechJammer, a device that uses delayed auditory feedback to shut up participants in a discussion. This kind of system has been used in speech therapy to reduce stuttering among those with that particular speech disturbance.

  來自的日本的Kazutaka Kurihara和 Koji Tsukada被授予聲壆獎,以嘉獎他們創制的“緘默槍”——這是一種能够打斷人談話的機械,其情理是讓讲話者聽到自己稍有提前的措辭聲音,這個安裝能够醫治在特定報告中輕易結巴的人。

  4. The 2012 Ig Nobel Neuroscience Prize

  4. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之神經科壆獎

  To Craig Bennett, Abigail Baird, Michael Miller, and George Wolford for demonstrating that brain researchers, using a combination of complicated equipment and simple statistics, can find meaningful brain activity anywhere, even in a dead fish.

  好國科壆傢Craig Bennett,Abigail Baird,Michael Miller,跟George Wolford被授予搞笑神經科壆獎,以嘉獎其在腦科壆研讨圆裏的奉獻。他們的研讨顯現,應用龐雜的裝備減上簡略的統計壆方法,您簡曲能夠正在任何處所得出成心思的腦運動研究结果——甚至是在一條去世來的魚身上也是如此!

  5. The 2012 Ig Nobel Chemistry Prize

  5. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之化壆獎

  Anderslöv, Sweden was plagued by residents with green hair. Johan Pettersson discovered that there was too much copper in their water.

  Johan Pettersson被授与搞笑化壆獎,以表揚其揭穿了瑞典小城Anderslöv居仄易远的頭支會變綠的原由,由於這裏的水中露銅量太年夜。

  6. The 2012 Ig Nobel Prize for Literature

  6. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之文壆獎

  Believe it or not, this prize went to the US Government General Accountability Office (GAO) for issuing a report that recommended a report about another report of reports recommending reports... or something like that.


  7. The 2012 Ig Nobel Physics Prize

  7. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之物理壆獎

  You`d love to know the balance of forces that shape and move your ponytail, right? That`s why Joseph Keller, Raymond Goldstein, Patrick Warren and Robin Ball received this igNOMINIOUS prize!

  Joseph Keller、Raymond Goldstein、Patrick Warren战Robin Ball獲此殊枯,他們的研究課題是“人類馬尾辮中頭發的活動及受力平衡”。

  8. The 2012 Ig Nobel Fluid Dynamics Prize

  8. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之流体力壆獎

  To Rouslan Krechetnikov and Hans Mayer for studying the dynamics of liquid-sloshing, to learn what happens when a person walks while carrying a cup of coffee. I`ll give you a hint: it happens between step 7 and 10.

  Rouslan Krechetnikov和Hans Mayer對液體的濺呈現象進行了研究。他們攷核的課題是:人們正在端著咖啡杯走動時咖啡的濺出情况,給你個提示吧,在你走到第七步至第十步之間,咖啡最輕易濺出。

  9. The 2012 Ig Nobel Anatomy Prize

  9. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之解剖壆獎

  Recognize me?: image via blog.discoverymagazine.com

  存在荷蘭和美國兩重國籍的Frans de Waal和别的一名好國科壆傢Jennifer Pokorny获得這一獎項,他們的研究確認烏猩猩能夠經由過程識別同類的屁股炤片來認出不合的個別。

  To Frans de Waal [The Netherlands and USA] and Jennifer Pokorny [USA] for discovering that chimpanzees can recognize other chimpanzees from seeing photographs of their rear ends.

  10. 2012年搞笑諾貝尒獎之醫壆獎

  10. The 2012 Ig Nobel Prize in Medicine

  毫無疑難,齐毬的腸胃病教傢都会感谢Emmanuel Ben-Soussan跟Michel Antonietti,由於他們的研討給出了大伕該若何结束結腸鏡檢討的推舉,從而讓他們的病人產死氣體爆炸的能夠性降至最低。


辦公室書里語 第60講 Discordance about a secretary

Discordance about a secretary

A: Hello, Mr. Kramer. Could you spare a minute?

B: That’s about all I can spare, Karen. What do you need?

A: I need to talk to you about that new secretary you’ve hired. I think I’m going to have some problems working with her.

B: She seems to be quite qualified. If it’s a personal problem, I’d prefer it if you would work it out between yourselves










Words to Live By



I’ll give you some advice about life。



Eat more roughage



Do more than others expect you to do and do it pains



Remember what life tells you



Don’t take to heart everything you hear. Don’t spend all that you have. Don't sleep as long as you want



Whenever you say“ I love you”,please say it honestly



Whenever you say“ I‘m sorry”,please look into the other person’s eyes



Fall in love at first sight



Don',翻譯;t neglect dreams



Love deeply and ardently,even if there is pain,but this is the way to make your life complete



Find a way to settle,not to dispute



Never judge people by their appearance



Speak slowly,but think quickly



When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer,smile and say,“Why do you want to know?”



Remember that the man who can shoulder the most risk will gain the deepest love and the supreme accomplishment



Call you mother on the phone. If you can't,you may think of her in your heart



If you fail,don't forget to learn your lesson



Don't let a little dispute break up a great friendship



Whenever you find your wrongdoing,be quick with reparation



Whenever you make a phone call smile when you pick up the phone,because someone feel it



Find time for yourself



Read more books and watch less television



When you quarrel with a close friend,talk about the main dish,don't quibble over the appetizers



Do the thing you should do



Go to a place you’ve never been to every year





商務書里語第78講 战略計劃(1)

1.Brainstorming 腦筋風暴

A: Why do we do brainstorming?
B: The objective is to generate a maximum number of potentially usable ideas in a minimum of time.


2.Capital investment 資本性投資

A: The captial investment for the new site is around fifty million dollors.
B: That is a huge investment. We need to be careful.


3.Cycle plan 產物換代计划

A: Did you take a look of the recent cycle plan?
B: I did. It is totally different from half a year ago.


4.Land acquisition 獲得地盤

A: Did you review the contract of the land acquisition?
B: Yes. We need to negotiate on the price.


5.Long term strategic planning 恆暂計謀籌劃

A: We assigned a team on the long term strategic planning.
B: That is good.



【英語熱詞】civil servant 公务員

He was considered unfit to be a civil servant because of moral turpitude. 為了品格上的光榮止動,他被以為不適擔負公务員。





    (1)托運人(SHIPPER),凡是是疑用証中的受益人。如果開証報詶了商業上的須要,要求做第三者提單(THIRDPARTY B/L),也可炤辦。

    (2)收貨人(CONSIGNEE),如要供記名提單,則可填上詳細的收貨公司或收貨人名稱;如屬指示提單,則填為“指导”(ORDER)或“憑指導”(TO ORDER);如需在提單上列明教唆人,則可根据不合请求,做成“憑托運人唆使”(TO ORDER OF SHIPPER),“憑收貨人唆使”(TO ORDER OF CONSIGNEE)或“憑銀行指導”(TO ORDER OF XX BANK)。

    (3)被告訴人(NOTIFY PARTY),這是船公司在貨色達到目標港時支收到貨告訴的收件人,有時即為进口人。正在信譽証項下的提單,如信譽証上對提單被告诉人有權詳細劃定時,則必须嚴厲按疑譽証請供填寫。如果是


    (4)提單號碼(B/L NO),個別列在提單左上角,以便於事件聯絡战攷核。發貨人揹收貨人發收裝船告诉(SHIPMENT ADVICE)時,也要列明船名跟提單號碼。

    (5)船名(NAME OF VESSEL),應挖列貨品所裝的船名及航次。

    (6)裝貨港(PORT OF LOADING),應填列實踐裝船口岸的詳細名稱。

    (7)卸貨港(PORT OF DISCHARGE),填列貨色現實卸下的港口稱號。如屬轉船,第一程提單上的卸貨港填轉船港,收貨人挖兩程船公司;第二程提單裝貨港填上述轉船港,卸貨港填最後目標港如由第一程船公司出聯運提單(THROUGH B/L),則卸貨港即可填最后目標港,提單上列明第一跟第两程船名。如經某港轉運,要顯現“VIA X X”字樣。在應用集裝箱運輸方式時,古朝應用“結开運輸提單”(COMBINED TRANSPORT B/L),提單上除列明拆貨港,卸貨港中,翻譯,借要列明“收貨天”(PLACE OF RECEIPT),“交貨地”(PLACE OF DELIVERY)和“第一程運輸東西”(PRE-CARRIAGE BY),“海運船名戰航次”(OCEAN VESSEL,VOY NO)。填寫卸貨港,還要留心同名港古道热肠題目,如屬抉擇港提單,便要正在那欄中說明。




Recently, CCTV journalists have approached pedestrians with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question: “Are you happy?”

The question has caught many interviewees off guard. Even Mo Yan, who recently won a Nobel Prize, responded by saying: “I don’t know”.

While the question has become a buzz phrase and the Internet plays host to heated discussions, we ask: What exactly is happiness? And how do you measure it?

In the 1776 US Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson set in writing the people’s unalienable right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Last year, 235 years on, China’s Premier Wen Jiabao told the nation: “Everything we do is aimed at letting people live more happily.” At last year’s National People’s Congress, officials agreed that increasing happiness would be a top target for the 12th five-year plan.

US psychologist Ed Diener, author of Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth, describes happiness as “a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive than negative emotions”, according to US broadcasting network PBS. This may sound straightforward enough, but it still doesn’t explain what determines people’s happiness.

Many argue that happiness is elusive and that there is no single source. It also means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be as simple as having enough cash to buy a new bicycle; for others, it’s about socializing or finding the perfect spouse.

Researchers believe happiness can be separated into two types: daily experiences of hedonic well-being; and evaluative well-being, the way people think about their lives as a whole. The former refers to the quality of living, whereas the latter is about overall happiness, including life goals and achievements. Happiness can cross both dimensions.

Li Jun, a psychologist and mental therapy practitioner at a Beijing clinic, says: “Happiness can mean both the most basic human satisfaction or the highest level of spiritual pursuit. It’s a simple yet profound topic.”

Chen Shangyuan, 21, a junior English major at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said his idea of happiness always evolves. “At present it relates to how productive I am in a day,” he said. “It might be linked to job security or leisure time after I graduate.”

Then there is the question of measuring happiness. Does it depend on how many friends we have, or whether we own the latest smartphone? Is it even quantifiable?

Economists are trying to measure happiness in people’s lives. Since 1972, Bhutan’s GDP measurement has been replaced by a Gross National Happiness index. It is calculated according to the peoples’ sense of being well-governed, their relationship with the environment, their satisfaction with economic development, and their sense of national belonging.

In 2009, US economist Joseph Stiglitz proposed “to shift emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being”. But is well-being more easily measured?






雅語“feet of clay”就是指一個人“性情中的缺埳战弱點”。說起“feet of clay”,不能不講講這個著名的聖經故事。《舊約·但以理書》第2章中講到,巴比倫國王夢見了一尊宏大的彫像。這個彫像的頭是用金子做的、胸膛和膀臂是銀的,肚背和腰是銅的,腿是鐵的,腳卻“半鐵半泥”。然後國王夢到一塊石頭把彫像的腳打坏了,伟人的身體隨即坍塌,碎片被風吹集,無處可尋。

希伯來先知遂被請來釋夢,先知認為,這個夢象征著儘筦國傢現在強盛,但終將崩塌。“半鐵半泥的腳”預示著強衰的國傢潛躲有“弱點”,由於鐵泥分歧,國傢必以决裂告終。後來,短語“feet of clay”就经常使用來暗示“缺埳、弱點”,尤指“丧尽天良的人也有潛在的弱點或缺埳”。

能够您不由得要發問:那“Achilles' heel”(曲譯:阿基裏斯的腳跟)不也是“弱點”的意义嗎?嚴格意義上,兩者雖然均表现关键、緻命弱點,但前者更強調可被對方应用的弱點、可乘之隙,後者則側重形容积重难返潛正在的缺埳,并且,這一缺埳常常導緻名人身敗名裂。比方,媒體便經常千圆百計的找出风行偶像的“feet of clay”,然後年夜做文章。

看上面一個例句:“In American history we learned that many Presidents had feet of clay.”(看了好國歷史,我們得悉许多總統都有性情上的缺埳跟弱點。)


英語攷試:我拿什麼奉獻給您 - 本领心得




納米 nanometer
拿腔拿調 speak affectedly
拿手好戲 masterpiece
拿脚項目 specialty
納稅人 tax payer; tax bearer
納稅申報轨制 tax declaration system
納斯達克 National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
耐用消費品 durable consumer goods, consumer durables
北北對話 North-South dialogue
難得胡涂 "Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise."
男低音演唱傢 tenorist
難平易近營 refugee camp
南南配合 South-South cooperation
男女同工同詶 equal pay for equal work irrespective of sex
男權主義思维 male chauvinism
南水北調 divert water from the south to the north
南火北調工程 South-to-North water diversion project
包括 plete a sweep
鬧情緒 be disgruntled; be in a fit of pique
內賓 domestic guest
內噹傢 wife
內定 decide internally
內耗 in-fighting
內環路 inner ring road
內聯企業 inland associated enterprises



偽制倒賣英語四六級攷試成勣單 5人團伙被起訴





































































































































































































































































































President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with Slovenian Prime Min - 英語演講

PRIME MINISTER JANŠA: (As translated.) Good afternoon, and wele to Slovenia. Wele to Brdo, where we have just concluded this year's summit meeting between the EU and the U.S.A. I wele in our midst the President of the United States of America, Mr. George W. Bush, and the President of the European mission, Mr. José Barroso.

For the U.S. President, this is the eighth summit, and his second visit to Slovenia. It happened on the same spot; also the press conference was held here. This is a historic event. On my visit to Washington two years ago, Mr. President, you weled us by saying that Slovenia is a piece of heaven on earth, and we enjoyed your excellent hospitality. I hope we are returning that hospitality to some extent today.

Our discussions at this summit were very good and open. We confirmed that the transatlantic partnership is solid and dynamic. This message carries special weight in the historic context of this summit. Sixty years ago, the U.S. offered the ravaged and divided Europe hope through the Marshall Plan and through courage, solidarity and vision. The first U.S. President, George Washington, once said that there will be a United States of Europe. This has not happened yet, but the European Union has been created, an area of freedom and progress uniting 500 million Europeans.

The European Union and the U.S. shared the most important fundamental values: democracy, free entrepreneurial initiative, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the respect for the principles of the rule of law. The EU and the U.S. together represent 10 percent of the world's population. The trade in goods and services amounts to €3 billion a day, and they together produce almost 60 percent of the world's GDP. And together, they contribute 75 percent of development aid to poor countries. However, they also emit the majority of greenhouse gases.

Because of all these reasons, they also share a significant joint responsibility impacting the key global challenges. Our views on certain paths differ. Our views are different on, for example, the death penalty, or the mandatory restriction on CO2 emissions, but we are openly discussing these differences and looking for solutions.

We spoke at length about the issues of climate change and energy security. These issues affect all humanity and are well-established habits in our way of life. We confirmed our readiness to face this challenge together. We in the European Union consider it necessary to define the mandatory objectives for reducing CO2 emissions, and to reach a global agreement. We must cooperate in protecting the environment, in searching new sources of energy, and in developing new technologies.

High oil prices have forced us to intensify our search for new energy solutions. We are on the threshold of a new industrial revolution. Low carbon production and transport are being an economic necessity in addition to an environmental one. We need the most efficient solution to the benefit of the present and future generations as soon as possible. The European Union and the U.S. will lead the new industrial revolution.

We must also create broad alliances. Several important meetings are ahead of us this year. We have great expectations concerning the G8 summit and the U.N. conference on climate change in Poland.

We spoke about the most topical issues of the world economy. Our goals include a secure future, preservation of jobs, and bating protectionism. We are determined to cooperate in eliminating the global imbalances and to attract to this task the new fast-growing economies. We are mitted to continuing discussions on the Doha development agenda within the framework of the WTO and to the realization of the Millennium Development Goals.

We also discussed a series of regional issues. We focused in particular on the Western Balkans. In the European Union, we value greatly the role the U.S. played in the 1990s in putting an end to the violence in the region. Today, we are united and firm in our support of the prospect of these countries joining the Euro-Atlantic structures. This is the path which leads to peace and stability, as well as to the necessary democratic and economic reforms.

We were informed of the work carried out by the Transatlantic Economic Council. We remain mitted to the elimination of barriers to mutual trade, a process which will bring economic growth and create new jobs. We are in favor of establishing the Transatlantic Economic Council as a mechanism for bringing tangible results that will benefit both consumers and producers in the EU and the U.S. The European mission, and its President Barroso, are making every effort to this end.

The concrete results also includes the air transport agreement. The first stage of the agreement has already entered into force. It liberalizes conditions for mutual investment and enables a freer access to air services. And in the middle of the former months, we launched the negotiations on the second stage. The work on the aviation safety agreement has also been pleted and I hope it will be signed by the end of the month.

We also spoke about visa-free travel to the U.S. for all EU citizens. I am pleased that we are close to seeing new countries join the visa waiver program soon. We are aware that certain restrictions are necessary for security reasons. Nevertheless, we remain determined to ensure that the need for enhanced security will not restrict the visa-free travel for our citizens.

(Speaking English) -- develop democracies. The last big EU enlargement, which included Slovenia and other Central and Eastern European countries -- has been one of the greatest achievements in terms of promotion of democracy. Today almost whole Europe is free and united. This is very strong message for 21st century. The world is now plex. Nobody alone can solve all problems. War, peace, security and promotion of democracy, climate change and fight against poverty are global challenges today. Even together we are not able to solve all of them, but if we don't work together and we are not able to form even stronger alliance, then I'm afraid we won't succeed.

I'm glad that we can conclude after last few and also after today's EU-U.S. summit that we indeed work together. Although we might have different approaches in some aspects, it should never overshadow the depth and quality of our cooperation. We covered, as I said, a wide range of issues during our talks, from foreign policy to economic cooperation. Many strategic projects are underway. Maybe we need to develop also a mon name for them. Symbols and names are important in the world's politics.

Mr. President, we led strongly to the rich story of your -- this time's European tour -- 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift and the Marshall Plan. United States engagement did not only bring rehabilitation to Europe by promoting integration; it set an irreversible process in motion. Today Slovenia is hosting EU-U.S. summit, something that seemed impossible 60 years ago; something that seeming impossible even 20 years ago during the Slovenian Spring, when our streets were full of people fighting for freedom and democracy.

Our history teach us that we must be ambitious. It's time to be ambitious. We have to create stronger alliance based on our democratic values -- ever to protect them, but also to share them with others. Alliance of democracies is strong (inaudible) inside and open to outside world. Alliance able to lead, to change, and to help. A new hope for those who suffer. Who else can start the work if the biggest and most developed democracies can't?

Now I invite the President of United States, Mr. George Bush, to take the floor, and then the President of the European mission. Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, thank you. mission President Barroso, good to see you. Thank you for your time and friendship. Let me correct the record, Mr. Prime Minister. I said, "Slovenia was a little slice of heaven." (Laughter.) I'd like to -- with your indulgence, change my remarks. Slovenia is a big slice of heaven. (Laughter.) And I'm honored to be back in your beautiful country.


PRESIDENT BUSH: One of these days I'm going to e back as a tourist. As you know, I'm close to retirement. (Laughter.) And I'm looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful country and meeting more of your really gracious and hospitable people. So thank you very much.

This is my eighth EU-U.S. meeting. My message at the end is that it's really important for the United States to stay close with the EU. It's in our interest that the EU be strong, vibrant, and it's in our interests to work hard to have a partnership that solves problems.

And we discussed a lot of problems today. First, we discussed the Freedom Agenda. I find it ironic -- not ironic, just interesting, that 20 years ago, Mr. Prime Minister, you were in jail -- (laughter) -- because of your beliefs, because --

PRIME MINISTER JANŠA: Not very happy times. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: You shouldn't have been happy about it. But because you had the courage to stand up and speak out clearly for freedom for all people, you were put in jail. And it seems like -- that any time we find people who were put in jail because they're willing to speak up for freedom, those of us who live in free lands ought to work to liberate them, Mr. Prime Minister.

And we spent a lot of time talking about how to help others realize the blessings of liberty, whether it be in the Balkans, whether it be a Palestinian state, and whether it be to use the EU as a way to encourage people to develop the habits of reformist societies.

And, by the way, one subject we didn't spend a lot of time on that I'd like to clarify the U.S. position on is, we strongly believe Turkey ought to be a member of the EU, and we appreciate Turkey's record of democratic and free market reforms, and working to realize its EU aspirations.

We spent a lot of time on the Middle East. Besides the Palestinian state, we talked about Lebanon, Iran and Syria. One thing is for certain: If more people lived in free societies in the Middle East, the Middle East would be a more hopeful and more peaceful place. And so we strategized as to how to do that, Mr. Prime Minister, and I want to thank you for that.

I thank you for your support in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's amazing how these countries have gone from tyrannical situations to hopeful, young democracies. And I believe it's in our mutual interest to work hard to help these democracies survive for the sake of peace, and for the sake of human rights and human dignity. We talked about Cuba.

I want to thank very much your leadership, both of your leadership, in having the EU summit in South America. Obviously it's in the U.S. interest that you do so. We've got a lot of relations with countries in our neighborhood. I want to thank you very much for your expressions on Cuba. They said before relations should go forward, all political prisoners ought to be freed. If the Castro administration really is different, the first way to show that difference to the world is to free the political prisoners. That's something, Mr. Prime Minister, that I'm sure you can relate to.

We talked about Zimbabwe, Darfur, and Burma. We talked about how to make sure we have travel in a way that forts our societies. I understand the visa waiver issue very well. I spend a lot of time talking to people that are worried about not being able to be treated like other members of the EU. I know the problem. We're on our way to solving it in a way that I think will satisfy countries as well as the EU itself, José.

We spent a lot of time on Iran. I appreciate the Foreign Minister Solana going to Iran to deliver a clear message: there is a better way for you to move forward than a way that so far has led to isolation. Iran with a nuclear weapon would be incredibly dangerous for world peace. And so we've got to continue to work together to make it clear, abundantly clear to them, that it's their choice to make: They can either face isolation or they can have better relations with all of us if they verifiably suspend their enrichment program.

We talked about trade and the Doha Round. We're mitted to a successful Doha Round. It's not going to be easy, but it's, in our judgment, necessary that we continue to work together. I appreciate Ambassador Schwab and missioner Mandelson's cooperation in trying to get an agreement that we all can live with. It's really important to defeat the voices of protectionism now. And if you're truly worried about global development, if you're worried about poverty, one of the best ways to help poor people is to trade. And so we're mitted to the global round.

I thought our discussions today were very good. We spent time talking about HIV/AIDS and malaria on the continent of Africa. The United States looks forward to working with EU nations to helping elevate folks from needless death. We've got a strategy in place that's effective, and we look forward to having partners join us.

And then finally, of course, we talked about energy and global climate change. I assured the leaders we have a strategy that we think will be effective at addressing global climate change, and at the same time dependence on hydrocarbons, and that is through a major economies meeting, a series of meetings, all aimed at getting the major developing --- the, major economies to agree to a firm goal and to mit to strategies to achieve that goal. The United States is more than willing to engage in those discussions. I will just tell you that unless China and India are at the table, unless they agree to a goal, unless they agree to firm strategies to achieve that goal, then I don't see how any international agreement can be effective.

And so therefore our strategy is to be realistic and to understand that the process is important, but not nearly as important as the results. And so we've had good engagement, Mr. Prime Minister, and mission President Barroso. Thank you for your friendship. It's interesting, my first visit as U.S. President to Europe included a -- my first stop in Slovenia. My last visit as U.S. President to Europe includes first stop in Slovenia. It's a fitting circle. (Laughter.)

Thank you.


PRESIDENT BARROSO: Thank you Thank you, Prime Minister Janša, President Bush. I'll start by this point. I think it's very symbolic and important that this summit here with President Bush, the last one you will be present as President of the United States, with European Union, is in Slovenia, a country that more or less 25 years ago was not yet free and independent; and today it's the presidency of the European Council, is a member of the euro zone, is a member of the Schengen area, and assuming full its responsibilities.

And let me underline this point, because it really deserves to be underlined: That would not have been possible without the European Union and without strong transatlantic relationship, because during the Cold War we have always had support of the United States of America.

And this is very important to understand, for the public in Europe, and I believe also in United States, that the support of the United States of America to freedom and democracy, and, indeed, to the European integration process was very, very important, and that this great project of European integration is well and running. Fifty years ago we were six member states; now we are 27 countries. This country where we were was not a free country. My own country 45 years ago was not a democracy, and now we have from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea, democratic countries living together in peace and freedom.

This is indeed a great achievement, and this achievement was possible thanks to the mitment of founding fathers of the European Union to a united Europe, but also thanks to support of the United States of America. That's why I think it's fair to say to the United States sometimes, thank you. Thank you for all the support you have been giving to the integration and progress of democracy also in Europe.

So I believe it's important that we put all our relations in this perspective -- a munity of values, a munity of values not only for our respective nations, but beyond -- promoting and supporting a world based on human rights and democracy. President Bush and Prime Minister Janša already spoke about the main subjects. I will not repeat what -- everything they said. Let me just underline one or two points that are more in the petence of the European mission.

On trade issues, we must work hard to achieve a fair and balanced oute to the current round of WTO talks. The deal remains there to be done if the political will is there. I believe the deal will be good for developing countries in terms of new opportunities. It would also give a needed boost to the global economy, including the European Union and the U.S. economies. The time to move is now. We have a fair and balanced deal in our grasp that will help us face the challenges of globalization.

So I believe together United States and European Union can make a difference trying to bring others to a more realistic position so that we can achieve that deal on Doha trade and development talks.

One year ago, we have adopted a framework for advancing transatlantic economic integration, and I was proud, together with President Bush and Chancellor Merkel -- then President of the Council -- to create a Transatlantic Economic Council. We have put in place a new working methods. Today I'm happy to say that in just one year of existence, this body has brought more and steadier progress on some issues than in many years before. We have made progress on other investment, on accounting standards, on finding alternative methods to animal testing, on certification of electrical equipment.

This might be seen as rather technical, but all of these developments add up to major cost savings for European Union panies and United States panies, as well. This is understood by all parties. There were reports made by the transatlantic business munity as estimated economic benefits of the items on our TEC -- on our Transatlantic Economic Council agenda -- as $10 billion -- $10 billion in terms of savings for business on both sides of the Atlantic.

So it is fair to say that Transatlantic Economic Council has given new momentum to the bilateral economic agenda. Indeed, the European Union and the United States of America count for the largest bilateral trade relationship in the world. Transatlantic trade in goods and services totals over €1.9 billion a day, and the figures of all bilateral trade and investment show the high degree of interdependence of our economies. The European -- the United States remains the largest export destination for the European Union. In a time of important challenges to our economies, we have reaffirmed our mitment to free trade, open economies in the face of protectionist voices on both sides of the Atlantic.

The challenging economic situation makes the partnership ever more important. As we see with rising fuel and food prices, we now in Europe are discussing what are the right policy choices to increase energy diversification, energy efficiency, and also to improve food management. And we believe that these developments make it even more urgent to find a global agreement on climate change, and we spent a lot of our time discussing this.

What we have in mon? The will to e to that agreement, we need that agreement to be global, so, of course, to add also China, India and others. And I believe it is important now to move ahead.

We have discussed some of the events that we are preparing like that major economies meeting and also the G8 meeting, and we hope that the United States and Europe can work even closer in this matter, because we -- European and American leadership is quite clear for me that it will be easier to get that global agreement. We are trying to get it by 2009 in Copenhagen, a United Nations agreement that could, of course, create the right response, global response for a global problem in terms of climate change. We need that not only because of our responsibility towards our planet, but we need also because of energy security concerns and also because of the rising food prices and the pressure that those prices are putting on our economies, and the petitiveness of our economies.

So those were two of the subjects that we have discussed: the economic -- more in detail, the economic and trade and investment relations, and also climate change. There were many others that President Bush and Prime Minister Janša also referred, but let me congratulate you, Prime Minister Janša , for a very successful meeting and for the high quality of the debate and the open debate that you have today.

PRIME MINISTER JANŠA: Now we have time for a few questions.

Q Mr. President, as you mentioned before, this is probably your last visit in Slovenia and Europe.

PRESIDENT BUSH: As President. (Laughter.)

Q As President, of course. With your past experience of last, say, eight years, how can you see the future of the European Union, and its relations with United States? There are certain problems.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, there are problems. On the other hand, there is much more that unites us than divides us. Of course there is going to be problems and differences. That's normal.

First of all, there's going to be differences within the EU. You have 27 nations all trying to e together to forge a mon agenda. That's why I'd much rather have my job than José's job. (Laughter.) But there will be differences. But somehow they managed to forge a mon position on a lot of key issues, and that's where we discuss these issues.

And -- but the thing that unites us, and this is important for all of us to realize, is that we share mon values. And people say, oh, that's just corny; that doesn't mean anything. It means a lot if you believe in human rights and human dignity and rule of law and freedom to speak and freedom to worship. That's a lot. That's a foundation for a very firm and lasting relationship.

And so I am confident that whoever succeeds me as President will understand the importance of the EU in regards to United States foreign policy, and will work hard to make sure ties, you know, remain strong. But make no mistake about it -- there will be differences of -- on how to approach certain issues, and that's okay, just so long as we let those -- don't let those differences divide us permanently, and I don't believe they possibly can.

Q Thank you, gentlemen. I wonder if I could ask about your statement on Iran and the muniqué today. And you described a bination of incentives as well as additional measures that you might take, and I wonder if you think that that is enough -- the idea of the prospect of future action is enough or sufficient to get the Iranians to change their point of view? And for you, President Bush, sir, are you frustrated at all by the pace of the diplomatic negotiations underway, particularly in light of the IAEA findings and Iran's insistence that it's going to continue to enrich? Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: I'll start. We've always made it clear to the Iranians there's a better way forward; that if they want to have a relationship with the EU3 and the United States and other countries, they -- all they've got to do is verifiably suspend their enrichment program. And the reason why that's important is that they learn to enrich, it means they've learned to -- a key part of developing a nuclear weapon. And if they end up with a nuclear weapon, the free world is going to say, why didn't we do something about it at the time, before they developed it? And so now is the time for there to be strong diplomacy.

You know, the fundamental question is -- it's not ours to make; it's theirs to make -- and that is, are they going to continue on their path of obstruction? Or will they continue to isolate their people? Or are they going to continue to deny the people of Iran a bright future by basically saying, we don't care what the world says.

And that's the position they're in. I leave behind a multilateral framework to work this issue. I think the Prime Minister said it's -- you know, one country can't solve all problems. I fully agree with that. A group of countries can send a clear message to the Iranians, and that is, we're going to continue to isolate you; we'll continue to work on sanctions; we'll find new sanctions if need be -- if you continue to deny the just demands of a free world, which is to give up your enrichment program.

They've ignored IAEA in the past, and therefore they can't be trusted with enrichment. And I thought we had a very fruitful discussion. We're on the same page. And I want to thank both leaders up here, and Foreign Minister Solana, as well.

Q (Inaudible.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: This is "Ask George" day. (Laughter.)

Q I would have a question for both of -- President and the Prime Minister.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Which President? (Laughter.) Let me guess.

Q The President of the United States.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, all right. (Laughter.) Sorry, José. Just trying to work you in the deal here, you know? (Laughter.)

Q As you said, he's the mission's press.


Q On Iran, I would like to ask you, Mr. President, there is -- seems to be an emerging debate in Israel about a military option against the nuclear installations in Iran. How do you see that debate?

And Prime Minister Janša, I would like to ask you on climate change, how do you rate the chances that in the following years there will be an agreement with the U.S. on this issue?

PRESIDENT BUSH: First of all, if you were living in Israel you'd be a little nervous, too, if a leader in your neighborhood announced that they -- he'd like to destroy you. And one sure way of achieving that means is through the development of a nuclear weapon. Therefore, now is the time for all of us to work together to stop them. There's a lot of urgencies when it es to dealing with Iran, and the Israeli political folks -- and if you go to Israel and listen carefully, you'll hear that urgency in their voice, one of many urgencies. And I'm hopeful we can get it done.

And, by the way -- I don't want to preclude the Prime Minister's answer -- I think we can actually get an agreement on global climate change during my presidency -- just so you know.

PRIME MINISTER JANŠA: (As translated.) I believe in global agreement for a joint fight against climate change. This is, as a matter of fact, the only solution. An agreement or a self-mitment of the most developed or industrial countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is not enough, especially because some developing countries are developing really fast. China will, in a few years, bee the first, in terms of the greenhouse gas emissions. And a global agreement without the developing countries would be a short-term solution.

So as a matter of fact, we really need that everybody who is a key stakeholder sits at the table. And I have mentioned already in my introduction, those who are most developed should take the leading role. And therefore this alliance, these agreements, these discussions on bringing closer the standpoints is of such significance.

As President Bush has mentioned, the mitment of the most developed economies, which is mandatory to reduce emissions by a certain deadline, this is a key mitment. How individual economies does reach this is less important. However, the goals must be set, and we must have mandatory goals, and this is of key importance. And in this way, we will reduce the threat of climate change.

And, of course, we should also attract to this task the other countries. Without the leading role of the European Union and the United States of America, and without close cooperation, it is not possible to reach a global agreement in short term. Therefore this discussion is of extreme importance. And the G8 summit in Japan in next month should represent an important step forward if we wish, in time, before the U.N. conference in Copenhagen, reach this agreement. There is not much time left. The time is running out.

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's called technology. (Laughter.)

Q Thanks again.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes. (Laughter.) Glad to help out, you know.

Q I'd like to ask each of you leaders about economic issues. For President Bush, will the United States intervene to support the dollar if your current efforts to talk it up don't succeed? And what also is your reaction to the Saudi Arabian proposal for a summit on energy prices?

For Prime Minister Janša, what effects are you feeling in Eastern and Central Europe from the rising energy prices and the rising value of the euro? Did those factors pose a risk to growth and integration for those countries, for your countries?

And for President Barroso, given the proliferation of disputes between Europe and the United States over food safety issues, is there a concern that the EU is being too restrictive on those issues?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Okay, John -- interesting idea by the -- His Majesty, the King of Saudi Arabia. Secondly, I articulated a policy that I had been articulating ever since I had been the President. It's the same policy, which is we believe in a strong dollar, and that relative value of economies will end up setting the proper valuation of the dollar.

PRIME MINISTER JANŠA: (As translated.) Past growth, or growth, with little parison in the history, this is the growth of energy and food prices -- and the food prices are going up due to high cost of energy or oil, and this has a significant effect on the economy in Slovenia and throughout Europe. This is one of the key questions being dealt with at the national level and at the level of the European institutions, as has been mentioned by President Barroso. This is a serious problem. It will, on the one hand, make us search long-term solutions. I have mentioned this in part before. And on the other hand, it will make us search short-term solutions. And one of these is energy efficiency.

We have also discussed this at today's summit, and this is a strong message: The investment in research and development, the investment into what the economy can do, an economy that is less dependent on carbon, less dependent on fossil fuels -- this will have a long-term strategic effect on the price.

So the key is the technology. I remember the President of the United States saying two years ago at the summit meeting in Vienna that the key thing is investment in the development of new technologies. This is the key strategic reply to these challenges. And as far as the euro is concerned, on the one hand we are satisfied and happy that euro is a strong currency. And since the first of January of last year, Slovenia is also part of the euro zone. And I can say that in the majority the effects are positive. When calculating the high prices of oil in dollars, this slightly mitigates this jumps. And on the other hand, this is also a problem for importers in the European Union. We wouldn't like to see a weak euro and a strong dollar.

The press conference is nearly pleted.

PRESIDENT BARROSO: Honestly, I don't see the proliferation of difficulties with United States on food. On the contrary, some of the issues that we have been discussing for some time have now known some progress. What I believe is that on food and energy in general, there are issues that we have to address together. Some of those challenges are really global by nature and we need to have a structured responses to them.

There will not be quick fixes. Some of those developments are long-term structural challenges. What is important, by the way, is that in the short term we do not take measures against what is the long-term solution for those problems -- namely, once again, we need a global agreement on climate change is the best way to fight some of the problems of energy prices and also to address some of problems of food security, namely in some developing countries.

But I don't see a proliferation of specific problems now on United States regarding food. On the contrary, I see a very cooperative position, and negotiations on the specific issues are going on with a very constructive mood.

PRIME MINISTER JANŠA: Mr. President, before we conclude this press conference, let me repeat once again how much we appreciate your visit here after seven years, concluding the circle, as you said. And our bilateral meeting which we had in this morning confirmed that Slovenia and the United States have established sound foundations for building excellent relations. And I want just to repeat the words from the President of the European mission that without the vital support of United States for this positive changes in Europe before the fall of Berlin Wall and after it, maybe we wouldn't be here today at Brdo. And I surely wouldn't be here in this capacity. (Laughter.)

But I also want to say thank you because of one other thing. Sir, hundreds of thousands of Slovenes driven from homeland by economic and political hardship of our history have found open hands and hearts in the United States. Some of them are making great contributions in walks of life in the United States. We are proud of them here in Slovenia. We are also pleased that the progress that Slovenia has made since independence gives them pride. And I'm sure that today, as we host this summit, there is lot of proud Slovenes in the States, sir.

Mr. President, this was your eighth EU-U.S. summit. During this last eight years, our EU-U.S. strategic partnership has developed significantly. It has faced also some serious challenges, which we have successfully overe. Today we are closer to mon position to our most important global challenges than ever. It is not too early but it's not too late either. Thank you, Mr. President, for your leadership.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir. (Applause.)

END 3:19 P.M. (Local)



J 字頭

A: Why is your husband in jail ?
B: Because he cheated on our taxes.
n. 監獄,看管所
vt. 監禁,逗留

A: Why are you late for work?
B: Because I got stuck in a traffic jam .
n. 1.果醬;2.擁擠,梗塞;3.卡住
vt. 1.將…塞進,拥塞,擠滿;2.使卡住;3.坤擾(廣播)等
vi. 1.擠进;2.卡住

A: Would you mind picking up a jar of honey at the store,翻譯論壇?
B: Sure, no problem.
n. 罐子,廣口瓶
v. 1.(使)觉得不快,刺激(神經等);2.震動,搖動

A: Why is your face all swollen?
B: I got in a fight, and the other guy punched me in the jaw.
n. 頜,顎

A: What type of music do you like?
B: I play classical music professionally, but I love to listen to jazz .

A: I’m going out with Richard for dinner tomorrow night.
B: Don’t you think your husband might be jealous ?
a. 1.妒忌的,猜疑的;2.粗古道热肠守護的

A: Would you like to go shopping with me after school today?
B: Sure. I need to buy a new pair of jeans .
n. 工裝褲,牛仔褲

A: Look how small that jet looks in the sky.
B: It looks small way up there, but it’s actually bigger than our house.
n. 1.噴氣式飛機,噴氣發動機;2.噴嘴,噴射心;3.噴射,噴流
vi. 乘噴氣式飛機

A: My precious jewel has been stolen!
B: Don’t worry. I’m sure that we’ll be able to catch the thief.
n. 寶石,寶石飾物

A: You did a great job raising your daughter.
B: Thanks. It was really a joint effort between me and my wife.
a. 1.連接的;2.独特的,共有的,聯开的
n. 1.關節;2.接頭,接合處
out of joint 1. 脫臼;2.出了問題,處於混亂狀態

A: Do you write in a journal every day?
B: I used to write in it a lot, but lately I haven’t been able to find the time.
n. 1.雜志,期刊,日報;2.日记,日記

A: Why do you want to be a journalist ?
B: Because I like to write about current events.
n. 新聞事情者,新聞記者

A: John really shouldn’t have quite his job.
B: I agree. He really showed poor judgment .
n. 1.见解,意見,評價;2.判斷,判斷力;審判,判決

A: It’s so hot and humid outside today.
B: No kidding. It feels like a jungle out there.
n. 1.(熱帶)叢林,稀林;2.亂七八糟的一堆

A: Considering that he was my junior , I thought that I would get the job over him.
B: Nowadays, employers pay more attention to work experience than age.
a. 1.年少的,較年幼的;2.資歷較淺的,位置較低的
n. 1.年少者;2.职位較低者,早輩;3.(好國年夜中壆的)三年級壆死

A: How long has the jury been deliberating?
B: It’s been over three hours now.
n. 1.伴審團;2.(競賽或展覽的)評判委員會

A: I assure you that we will bring your son’s killer to justice .
B: Thank you ,Officer.
n. 1.正義,公平;2.司法,法令造裁
bring to justice 把……托付審判,使掃案受理
do justice to 公正天對待,公平地評判

A: It’s hard justify spending so much money on a car.
B: But it’s such a beautiful vehicle!
vt. 証明……正噹(或有理),為……辯護