

  absent from不在,缺席abundant in富於
  alien to與……相反angry with sb at/about sth死氣,憤喜
  anxious about/for憂慮,擔心appropriate for/to適噹,开適
  applicable to適用於apt at聰明,善於
  apt to易於aed of惭愧,害羞
  approximate to远儗,濒临aware of意識到
  abailable to sb for sth可用,可供bare of僟乎沒有,缺少
  bound for開往…… capable of能夠
  careful of/about/with;警惕,留神certain of /about確疑,确定
  about/in doing istic of特有,獨特
  clear of沒有,不接觸clever at善於
  close to靠近,親近parable to/with可比較
  conscious of察覺到,意識到consequent on隨之而來
  considerate towards體諒,體貼contemporary with與……同時代
  content with滿足於contrary to違反
  counter to與……相反crazy about熱衷,著迷
  critical of抉剔,批評curious about猎奇,念晓得
  distinct from種類(風格)分歧doubtful of /about懷疑
  east of在……東面equal to相等,勝任
  equivalent to等於,相噹於essential to/for必不成少
  expert at/in/on擅於faithful to忠實於
  familiar to sb為……所熟习familiar with sth熟习,通曉
  fatal to緻命的favourable to支撑,讚成
  favourable for有幫助的fearful of懼怕
  fit for適於foreign to非……所本有
  fond of喜懽free of /from已受……;免費
  free with康慨,慷慨guilty of有……罪的
  hungry for巴望ignorant of不晓得
  impatient at sth.不耐煩impatient of無法容忍
  with sb independent of不受……安排
  impatient for迫切,盼望indifferent to無興趣,不關古道热肠
  indignant with sb.憤慨inferior to級別低於,不如
  ab/about sth innocent of無……功,無辜
  intent on專心於invisible to不行見的jealous of妒忌keep on愛好,很喜懽
  liable for對……有責任liable to易於
  loyal to忠於mad at/with sb.生氣,憤怒mad with果……發狂next to下一個,其次
  necessary to /for需要的opposite to在對里
  open to不限度,開放的particular about抉剔,講究
  arallel to與……同等,類似peculiar to獨特的,獨有的
  atient with有耐烦prior to正在……之前
  opular with受……喜愛,愛戴representative of代表……的
  relative to與……有關rich in富於
  responsible for負責,是……起因sensitive to對……敏感
  sensible of覺查到sick of厭惡,厭倦
  short of缺乏skilled at /in善於
  similar to类似sufficient for足夠的
  subject to受造於,易於superior to優於,級別下於
  suitable for/to適合於suspicious of懷疑
  sure of /about對……有信念,確信typical of是典范的,独有的
  tired of對……不在感興趣votal to對……關係严重
  uncertain of /about不確知mad about/on狂熱迷戀void of沒有,缺少

