

Getting Sick or Hurt 生病或受傷時
1.Are you okay? 你還好吧?

2.Do you feel okay? 你覺得還好嗎?

3.Are you sick? 你生病了嗎?

4.I am going to the doctor. 我要去看醫生。

5.How do you feel? How are you feeling? 你覺得怎麼樣?

6.Not so good. /Not very well,法語口譯. /Terrible! 不太好/不太舒服/很糟!

7.Do you feel sick? 你覺得不舒服嗎?

8.What’s the matter? 怎麼了?

9.I have a headache/ an earache/ toothache / a fever / sore throat. 我頭痛/ 耳朵痛/ 牙齒痛 / 發燒 / 喉嚨痛。

10.I feel faint/dizzy. 我覺得暈眩/頭昏眼花。

11.I’m sneezing. 我打噴嚏。

12.I broke my leg. 我腿斷了。

13.I need to take some rest / take a nap. 我需要休息一下。

14.Do you need any help? 需要幫忙嗎?

15.How did you get hurt? 你怎麼受傷的?

16.Let me see / take a look. 讓我看看。

17.Put some ice on it. 冰敷一下。

18.Be brave. 勇敢一點。

19.Did you take your medicine/vitamin? 你吃藥/維他命了嗎?

20.Get well soon. 祝你早日康復。 Related articles:

